Thursday, 18 February 2016

Habits for Success

This week our focus has been on 


We begun by talking and sharing what 'habits' are ...

and the kids had some great suggestions for this... showing they had some understanding of 'bad' habits and 'good' habits as well as habits that are just 'interesting'...

then we came back to this the next day and I asked them... what might be some habits which could enable you to be successful? They did well and came up with a lot of great ideas...

The next day... I explained we were going to put together a bag. The bag would be filled with @theONE6 'Habits for Success'.

I asked for suggestions about 'metaphors' and we came to the understanding that they are when you say something is something else...or when something represents another thing. I explained that we were going to put together a bag of 'Habits for Success'.

This idea has come from Art Costa's Habits of Mind which he describes are 'intelligent behaviours' we display when we are faced with challenges, problems, and uncertainties.

My 'Habits for Success' is a way to engage kids in understanding these behaviours and how they can look in a classroom context.

So without giving the kids too much... I would write up the 'behaviour' and see if they could think up what the 'metaphor' would be... remembering that it had to small enough to put in our little paper bag.

The kids did well with this and eventually we covered the 8 'habits' which I think are most important for us. Each item was passed out and added to their bag. The kids have said that they think it will be easier to remember the habits by thinking of its metaphor... we will keep checking this over the next few weeks:)

After the kids had decorated and named their bag...we pegged them on some wire where they can be seen all day as a way to remember them:)

Here is the STORIFY of the kids tweets as to which habit they think they need to work on...

Which of these habits do you think will be the EASIEST for you to display? Why do you think this? 

Reply in the comment box...


  1. I think that the easiest habit for me would be 'it's okay to make mistakes' because sometimes I don't like making mistakes but since I'm in theONE6 I realized that it's okay to make mistakes because I'm learning from my mistakes.

  2. The habit for success that i think will be the easiest for me is it's okay to make mistakes.

  3. I think the easiest habit is striving for precision

  4. the habit for success that I will easily be able to show is never give up Andre

  5. I think the easiest habit for me will be it is okay to make mistake because you learn from them. Grace

  6. Te Anahera
    The habit for success that will be easy for me to show is caring for eachother because it is easy to show you care.

  7. I think one of the easiest for me would be ¨we all make mistakes¨ because i have understood that it is ok to make mistakes and that we can learn from our mistakes. Chloe

  8. The habit for success that i will easily be able to show is to stop and think Felix

  9. I think the easiest habit for me will be learning from my mistakes

  10. i think the best habit for me would be its ok to make mistakes because you can learn from your mistakes.

  11. the habit for success is strive for prescion

  12. I think mines the easiest because it is easy being happy

  13. i think it's easy to show learning from making mistakes its ok to make mistakes thats why they made rubbers. Mitchell

  14. The habit for success for me is to think outside of the box because i always do

  15. I think that the easiest habit for success for me is to respect others as it is natural for me to try and treat others right.

  16. i think the easiest habit for success for me is that its okay to make mistackes because i need to work on it

  17. I think that the easiest habit is that it is OK to make mistakes in theONE6 Ryan

  18. i think the easiest one is being happy Alex

  19. Paris I think the easiest habit of success for me would be thinking outside the box

  20. Respecting others is the easiest habit for success for me.

  21. waimarama
    i think the easiest habit for success is respecting others

  22. Paying attention and showing respect.

  23. Listening when expected too, Respect Others And Other's objects


I would love some feedback on my post...