Thursday, 2 June 2016

Connected Learners


Today I witnessed true connected learning in 'real time'. 

We consider ourselves connected learners in theONE6 ... all of us including myself. Using Hangouts, Edmodo, Blogger, Twitter to connect with learners all over the world is fun but sometimes 'real time' is hard due to time zones and teachers with different timetables. 

'Real time' happened today and what I witnessed AND heard was music to my ears! My kids commenting on the fun they had discussing and sharing their learning with kids in another part of New Zealand - all the way down in Oamaru - Oamaru Intermediate School.

So what were we doing? As part of #NZreadaloud5PoT I have connected with Lisa Dyer and her class of kids at Oamaru Intermediate. Our kids share and learn alongside each other in Edmodo every week. But today was special ... we set the kids up in groups to use as their 'real time' discussion rooms. Well ... as I went around and took my photos I heard fantastic sharing going on. Here were Intermediate kids having literary discussions AND loving it! 

It is these moments which warm my soul ... which makes the effort and energy put into providing these experiences well worth it.

I would like to thank Lisa for her willingness to experiment, for her openness to things going wrong, and for her passion as a young teacher to connect with an old bird like me! It has been an absolute pleasure to work 'virtually' alongside you Lisa and I look forward to our continual collaboration:)