Our story The Ghosts of Tarawera by Sue Copsey has provided us with MANY opportunities for learner driven inquiries.
What are the Pink and White Terraces?
What is a 'fumerole'?
Who was Guide Sophia?
What is the Buried Village?
What is the Taupo Volcanic Zone?
What are igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks?
What does a volcanologist do?
What is a seismograph?
What is 'paranormal activity'?
Our language wall is getting full ... learning about personification and similes in context helps our kids understand how they impact the reader and why they are powerful to use in their own writing.
Open Evening saw the kids dressing up as their favourite characters from the story. What fun we had sharing our passion for #NZreadaloud with our community as they came and visited our room. The kids from Room 11 created this amazing mural for the night with the kids photos across the bottom in character!
Thanks to Miss Kersley and Mr Tavendale and a group of kids, we even had a 'volcanic zone' in our room for the night ... the dry ice and vinegar and baking soda worked a treat to create some atmosphere.
It has provided opportunities for collaborative learning ... with kids across New Zealand AND the author. This Storify includes nearly 600 tweets from our chat yesterday. Such a wonderful chance to ask Sue Copsey some questions and to have some discussion with other kids about what they are thinking.
This is the last #NZreadaloud for the year as during Term 4 we participate in The Global Read Aloud. I have already connected with a class in Canada, a class in Wisconsin and a class in NZ for this collaborative learning experience. The #GRA16 starts in early October.