Thursday, 5 May 2016


Today was our first day of 20%Time.

For MOST kids ... it was a time of engagement, problem-solving, designing, creating, researching, building, and DOING ... 

A small few are still pondering what it is they want to CHOOSE to learn during 20% Time. It is interesting that when given some freedom to choose what to learn for 20% of the week, some struggle with this. Is this because they have had limited (or no) choice before? A question to ask them maybe.


 The kids below are getting started on making a 3 dimensional 16 to paper mache and then cover with photos of our LearningMYway class in action. These same kids are also constructing a huge 'brain' to paper mache and paint/decorate to explain about Growth Mindset which we will hopefully hang in our library.

This group are investigating skateboarding and learning about 'how to learn tricks'. Their plan is to photograph and video the skills and tricks to create an informative YouTube video. 

A couple of boys are re-creating an environment they built in Minecraft. They plan to paper mache after they have constructed it then paint it. 

A group of boys are inquiring into 'Parkour' and 'free-running'. First thing they did was write a letter to the Principal to explain what they were doing and what they want to do to get his permission considering there is some safety issues involved. They are creating a presentation which includes some history about it, some photos and videos of skills and moves. The map of the school was given to them by the Principal so they can show him the areas around the school that they will be using.

There are students who have selected one of the Global Goals to inquire into and create a presentation which will share their learning using Thinglink.

One student is inquiring into Global Goal No. 15 and after gathering information is putting together a short film to share what she has found out.

One boy has chosen to research about Chinese 'masks' with the aim of creating an example using paper mache and paint.

We will keep adding to the blog as the kids progress on their self-selected learning journey:)