On Monday theONE6ers' put together a 10 minute performance to share the learning we had done during #NZreadaloud4JWM to the rest of the school at Assembly.
Jack volunteered to be our Master of Ceremonies
Chloe and Sharn wrote a song where they had summarised some key themes in the story and a few of the one6ers' stepped out of their comfort zone to sing it at Assembly.
Grace and Te Anahera put together a Google slideshow sharing some of the amazing language features from the story. A line of one6ers' got up to say one each as the slideshow went through.
Mya did some research about 'How to Juggle' and put together a Slideshow to share at Assembly. A small group of one6ers' who had taken up the challenge to learn to juggle took a risk and demonstrated their new found skills of juggling.
For some this was really stepping out of their comfort zone to get up in front of the whole school. I was very proud that ALMOST all got up and did something - a real show of UNITY. Well done you guys:)
Here is the video i took of the performance ... please excuse any 'random noises' !!!
What was it like for you to step out of your comfort zone and share in front of your peers?