Monday, 22 February 2016


Today in theONE6 some of us participated in out first #KIDspeakNZ chat.

#KIDspeakNZ is an initiative which was started by myself and 6 other teachers around New Zealand to show our learners they have an opportunity to 'share their voice'. That if they have questions they want to ask of other kids their age...why not ask through a Twitter chat. If they have issues or topics of interest and want others opinions... why not run a Twitter chat.

Today's questions came from students at Bohally Intermediate in Blenheim. They were keen to ask others about collaboration, connecting, and school values.

Well done to a number of students in theONE6 for participating... your voice DOES matter and these are terrific 21century literacy skills you are developing:

a tweet summarises your thought into 140 characters

participating shows you are building skills of connecting & collaborating

tweeting gives you a chance to voice an opinion or something that is important to you

Below is the STORIFY of our chat today...


If you enjoy participating in Twitter chats... tell me WHY in the comment box. If you don't enjoy them I would love to know your reasons too:) Reply in the comment box please.