That is what they say. Well time has certainly flown. Maybe it is moving faster this year because I am only in the class for 3 days a week. I am attempting to fit too much in I think!
Week 5 saw the beginning of #NZreadaloud1. This is a 'book study' I have set up Nationwide with other teacher & classes around the country. Our catch-phrase is "one book to connect kiwi kids".... and it is working! The collaboration and discussion on Twitter and Edmodo around the first few Chapters has blown me away. So all our connected classes out there...keep up the fantastic thinking!
This week we switched from Kidblog to Blogger. This has been a bit of a disruption BUT a much better choice as all of theONE6ers can have their 'personal' blog where we will eventually post writing, reflections, and photos of our learning.
This week a question was raised in our morning 'korero' about whether coaches should be sacked if their team is not winning a lot. This was brought up because of the issue around the Auckland Blues and how they are not doing so well. Should John Kirwin be sacked? Or should the players take some responsibility? I created a Padlet for the kids to express their reasons and justify their thoughts. Click here to have a look at what the kids say!
During week 5 & 6 theONE6ers have been 'practicing' LearningMYway styles! They have been showed and explained a task list which they select from and choose when they do each task. Many kids are proving to be true self-managing learners. I know this because i see them focused on the task at hand, being responsible with digital tools and what they are using them for, work being completed and handed in, and simply kids working hard on what they happen to be doing. This photo was from today and shows everyone busy and focused...a great morning.
This afternoon saw us participate in our regular twitter chat #kidsedchatnz. This week's topic was very relevant as I had sent out a survey to the kids too about the topic.... interests and passions....and how these are promoted in the classroom. I will share the results of the survey in a post next week.
The biggest fun happening this week is that theONE6ers are off to the beach on Thursday to have their surfing lesson. Mrs Thorogood is going to get a few photos of theONE6ers so we can do a blog post about our day.
I am in the process of getting ALL the student blogs linked to this class blog so parents and our connected classrooms can visit the student blogs and read and reply to their posts.
Until next week....ka kite.