Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Oh for sunny days at the beach!

So on Tuesday 11th and Tuesday 18th 'theONE6' did our learning AT THE BEACH!

We were EXTREMELY lucky to get both days SUNNY and BREATHLESS!

What an amazing part of the world we live in! On days like these I have no desire to be anywhere else! 
So nearly 90 of us (3 classes) headed out at 8.30am ready to start our rotations for the day. The kids rotated around sandcastles, beach walk, swim, surfing, and lunch. 

Here are a selection of photos from both days... when we arrived - this was the view which greeted us!

We started our day this week with a LOVELY walk down the beach to the little river mouth... 

where the kids had a blast playing in the shallow water.

The surf lessons and surfing were obviously the highlight for everyone. The kids were in HEAVEN!

Sandcastle building and just being out of the classroom having some whanau fun was a special part of the day.

Once again - a highlight of my year! It is certainly a trip well worth organising and planning for. We were VERY lucky to get both Tuesday's with the sun out and VERY pleasant. 

Leave a reply to share your feelings about the day - what was your highlight?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mrs T my personal highlight was the walk because I got to find shells and there was amazing scenery but the sea was a bit cold for my liking.We got to go twice with good weather too.


I would love some feedback on my post...