The scene was set...
Parents 'in place'!
Our first Hangout was with a class of South Korean students learning English. (Although the kids did not know this as we asked a series of yes/no questions to figure that out!)
Our favourite character from this class was 'Harry'... of course the kids asked him what his 'Korean' name was and he obligingly told us but unfortunately we did not quite 'catch' it!
Mitchell and Connor were our 'questioners' for this first Hangout and they were great!
Lots of thoughtful questions...lots of checking out maps and atlases...the kids worked out that Alyson's class were in a city called Anyang in South Korea!
At the end the kids shared some information and finished with that 'universal' language ... 'hand signals of love'!!
Our second Hangout was with a class in Sweden...Boras to be precise! We found out it was 10am in the morning there while it was 8pm in the evening here! So they were just starting their Monday!
Once again some great questioning and thinking...Connor recognized the accent! He said very early on they might be asked the question and straight away we all then went to the Swedish map and began finding out WHERE.
Lily and Mikayla were out 'questioners' for this Hangout...and did a fine job too!
After discovering where they were...the kids asked each other some questions (with enthusiasm!!)
Chatted to the teacher...Pernilla Elander...
and the Swedish kids...
and finished with a 'groupie'....
Thanks to Mrs Thorogood, Mrs Howard, and Vicki for their support with the evening...COULD NOT HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT YOU ALL.
NOW...Pernilla and kids...we will taste the Swedish candy you sent us and let you know what we think...
Yours is on its way!!!